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Anthurium / Strelitzia / Curcuma
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The anthurium is also known in the Netherlands as the Flamingo plant and is a member of the Aracea and arum family. The anthurium comes as a houseplant and cut flower. The anthurium is native to South America and consists of over 600 species.
The anthurium is best known for its beautiful flowers, which come in many different colours. The flower itself does not colour so beautifully, but the anthurium's bracts do.
The Strelitzia is an exotic flower also known as the bird of paradise flower. The flower owes this nickname to the fact that birds use the bracts as seats. As a result, the flower opens up. The Strelitzia is easily recognised by its simple stem topped by a comb. The comb consists of graceful open orange bracts topped by two or three blue petals. The Strelitzia does well in eye-catching bouquets but can also stand nicely on its own.
Curcuma symbolises Asian nature and culture. About 120 species are known to occur in Thailand and its surroundings. The flower's name is derived from the Arabic word for yellow "turmeric". Curcuma blooms in pink, lilac, white, green, brown or a combination of these colours. Furthermore, the flower has a strong stem with large leaves and gracefully blooming flowers. The coloured bracts house many small flowers.